Do You Know What's In Your Multivitamin?

Do You Know What's In Your Multivitamin?

You see multivitamins everywhere nowadays. In stores, in T.V. commercials, in Facebook and Instagram ads. But why? Are they even a big deal?

This country seems to think so. Over half of American adults currently take a multivitamin supplement. That is over 100 million people! But unfortunately, many do not understand what they are even taking.

Multivitamins have become popular because people do not want to have to suffer the consequences that come from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. While this is a valid reason to take a multivitamin, the supplements on the market today have many flaws. To understand the flaws, you have to first know the basics about vitamins and minerals.

You probably know that vitamins and minerals are absolutely necessary for you to function and live, but do you know how much of each one you need to consume everyday? The answer to this question can be quite tricky. Why? Because there are so many different values for vitamins and minerals out there.

First, there are Daily Values (DVs). These are the values and percentages you see on food and supplement labels, and they are set by the FDA. The problem with these values is that they are the same for everyone ages 4+. So by that definition, a 5 year old boy needs just as much calcium as an 80 year old grandma does! Hopefully that seems like a problem to you.

Second, there are Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and Adequate Intakes (AIs) set by the Institute of Medicine. These values are actually different based upon your age and your sex. Therefore, the value of calcium for a 5 year old boy and an 80 year old grandma would be different. Which makes a lot more sense!

The third value to be aware of are Upper Limits (UL). Many vitamins and minerals have them, and they are simply the maximum daily intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects. So for any of you wondering, yes you absolutely can consume too much of several vitamins and minerals. Which can be just as dangerous as not consuming enough of them!

So what is the right amount you want to see in your multivitamin? The 100% RDA or AI value of all vitamins and minerals for your specific age and sex. Why?

1. It is value that has been demonstrated to prevent you from getting vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

2. If the dosages were lower, then you may still be at risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

3. If the dosages were higher, then you increase your risk of exceeding some vitamin and mineral Upper Limits.

Overall, consuming the 100% RDA or AI value for all essential vitamins and minerals is the perfect insurance policy to ensure all your nutrient needs are being met. And it has an extremely low likelihood of pushing you over the UL, because the UL for any vitamin or mineral is a lot higher than the 100% RDA or AI value. Therefore, it's a safe insurance policy.

Where do the products on the market show their flaws? They either do not contain all the essential vitamins and minerals you need, which obviously still leaves you susceptible to deficiencies, or they put the vitamins and minerals at random dosages. The dosages can be too low and be ineffective, or the dosages can be too high and could easily cause you to ingest more than the UL.

But fortunately for you, there are now some products that don't have these flaws. The Pinnacle Women's and Men's Multis provide the 100% RDA/AI value of all essential vitamins and minerals for each respective sex. This will ensure your nutrient gaps are filled, and your health, wellness, and performance have the foundation needed for success.

If this sounds like something you may be needing today, then take a look at our Pinnacle Women's and Men's Multis to see why they are the Pinnacle of the supplement industry.