Vitamin E

Vitamin E: More Than an Antioxidant

When people are asked what comes to mind when they hear “Vitamins B, C, and D,” they say something along the lines of “energy, immunity, and sunshine.” Yet, when the same question is asked about Vitamin E, most don't know what to say.

The name Vitamin E actually refers to 8 different fat soluble molecules, but the primary form found in human tissue is α-tocopherol. (1-2) Vitamin E is primarily known for its role as an antioxidant. It can mitigate a lot of the damage caused by toxic byproducts of metabolism.

Both males and females aged 14 and older require 15 mg (22 IU) of Vitamin E daily, yet recent estimates suggest that close to 90% of Americans do not consume that amount. (3) So why is this a big deal you may ask? Without it, the toxic byproducts it's supposed to mitigate can wreak havoc on your body. This decreased antioxidant protection is linked to insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, liver damage, and other adverse outcomes. (4-6)

The picture is not very pretty since most are not consuming enough Vitamin E. Yet, there is hope! It appears that supplementation with vitamin E could mitigate these adverse health outcomes while also offering a nice assortment of health benefits. Vitamin E is far more than an antioxidant. It can decrease the cellular inflammatory response, decrease systemic insulin resistance, and decrease whole-body oxidative stress. (7)

Therefore, it's imperative that you do everything in your power to hit at least 15 mg per day. You could hit this daily mark by ingesting roughly 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil (360 calories), 2 ounces of almonds (328 calories), or even 2 ounces of sunflower seed kernels (331 calories). (3) Alternatively, you could just invest in our Pinnacle Men’s or Women’s Multis to get your 15 mg of vitamin E and save yourself 300 calories a day :)







