Lying on the ground with a horrible calf cramp? Out in the sun totally exhausted from dehydration? Or been told your blood pressure is a little high? Maybe you should have put a little extra potassium in your foods or drinks throughout the day. You wouldn’t have noticed a taste difference, and maybe you could have avoided that nasty cramp. Plus, whether you're dehydrated or not, it's a safe bet your body could use a little extra potassium.
* The 2021-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans has identified Potassium as a Nutrient of Public Health Concern. (1) Why?
* Because studies have consistently shown that people do not consume enough of this critical nutrient in their diet. It's been reported that more than 99% of the population does not get the recommended amount of Potassium! (2)
* And this rising trend of low Potassium levels among Americans has been occurring since 1999. Since then, Potassium intakes have been lower, and Potassium deficiencies have been more common. (3)
Why is this a big deal? Why is Potassium so important?

Improves Hydration
* The average athlete will lose 320-780 mg of Potassium in their sweat during an hour long workout, so it needs to be replenished. (4)
* Potassium is a key electrolyte. It maintains fluid balance alongside sodium to keep you hydrated.
Supports the Nervous System
* Being an electrolyte simply means it carries an electrical charge. Your nervous system is actually an electrical system, and it's only able to send signals because of the electrical charges that Potassium and sodium have.
* The sodium-potassium pumps found on all your cells is what allows your nervous system to work. Which means, no Potassium, no nervous system.
Helps Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control
* Everyone with high blood pressure hears how they should watch their salt intake. What much fewer people hear and understand is that they should also be prioritizing and increasing their Potassium intake.
* Countless human clinical trials have demonstrated its positive effects on blood pressure. (5)
Supports Your Hard Earned Muscles
* Potassium allows your muscles to contract. Without it, your muscles can begin to weaken and have cramps.
Supports Your Heart
* Potassium is involved in triggering your heart to beat. It makes sure that your heart beats properly and healthily.
And So Much More!
* Potassium is found in all of your body's tissues, so your body needs it for just about everything that it does.
* If you have Potassium pills at home, or have ever seen them before, you'll notice that they always contain 99 mg or less of actual Potassium.
* Meaning, you would have to take 5 pills to get the same amount of Potassium that is in just 1 tiny scoop of our powder.
* And the powder can be added to anything! You can sprinkle it in any kind of food, any drink, a pre-workout mix, a protein shake, a sleep aid; truly anything.
* Because Citrate, or Citric Acid, has its own set of benefits. It helps cleanse the body and helps with kidney stones. It not only decreases the severity of kidney stones, but it also decreases the likelihood of getting them in the first place! (6)
* This means you get benefits from both the Potassium and the Citrate, instead of the Citrate just being a filler.
* Plus, Potassium Citrate has even been clinically shown to be more effective at decreasing blood pressure than the other popular form, Potassium Chloride. (7)
* As always, our first recommendation is whatever your doctor tells you.
* But if you have not taken Potassium powder before, then we recommend starting with just 1 scoop a day for about a week to see how your body responds. Then you can increase this to 2, 3, or 4 scoops a day.
* We recommend up to 4 scoops a day because a research meta-analysis concluded that adding an additional 1,640 mg of Potassium to ones diet is associated with a lower risk of stroke, and possibly cardiovascular disease in general. (8)
* 4 scoops provides 1,960 mg of Potassium. Athletes who are heavy sweaters and workout for long periods of time can also easily lose that amount of Potassium in their sweat.
* No matter how many scoops you take daily, only take 1 scoop at a time.
* Although this product is perfectly safe for most people, we want to be clear that we recommend some particular people should talk to their doctor before taking this product.
* Those people would be ones with any kidney disease, type 1 diabetes, congestive heart failure, adrenal insufficiency, or liver disease. Also, any person taking ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), or any kind of prescribed diuretics. (9)
1.) https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/sites/default
2.) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/
3.) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32401639/
4.) https://www.sportsrd.org/wp/content/uploads/
5.) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC
6.) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8230497/
7.) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7750429/
8.) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/
9.) https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Potassium-
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